useful tools - the only good youtube downloader - video compressor for discord (or anything else)
choco - package manager for windows (i prefer winget tbh)
ffmpeg explorer - generate ffmpeg commands with nodes
ScreenToGif - record and encode gifs
jsdeliver - use github as a cdn! (perfect for hosting website files)
youtube music desktop app tired of spotify's corporate bullshit? listen to music on youtube music instead!
imageoptim image optimizer for web
old web
spacehey - a myspace reboot
rehike - return old youtube layout with a local proxy server
pixelsea - print out gifs, stamps, and more
neocities - duh
aerochat - custom discord client with windows live messenger theme
99gifshop - another gif website
GUIdebook - high quality screenshots of old OSes, great for reference
webamp - winamp but you can put it on a website
button maker - make an 88x31 for your site!
tiled backgrounds - tiled backgrounds archive
atabook - 123guestbook replacement
ditherit - dither images to compress file size and for aesthetic
buttons n shit
Visit Melonking.Net! Visit the Gif Gallery! jeith laika | make your own blinkies! petrapixel button korbie eat spgheatie NOW

feed him or he will perish